A couple weeks ago we had another busy Saturday morning: Our community(which is small, it's considered a bedroom community since most people live here but work else where) sponsored a 5K race. The two elementary schools joined together to promote wellness in the schools. One of the schools donated all the money earned to a little girl at our school with cancer. We raised over $6000 for her with the help of a silent auction. It was alot of work for our PTO board but so worth the end result.
After the race was Devin's last soccer game. The coach was so nice and got little soccer trophies for the kids even tho they lost every game.
Kendall made it the highest ever on her climb up the Werth indoor climbing wall ;)
May 24...Boy Scout graduation...Here is my cub scout den placing the new neckerchiefs on the Wolves. Devin got Austin on of his best buds, Lane got Andon. This is a tradition for the pack as of yesterday, I have a Bear cub scout!
I am a cub scout leader for the Weblos now! Devin is a Weblos now...WOW! My Weblos got a cub scout pocket knife as a graduation gift from me since they all earned their whittling chip card/patch.Andon (in the yellow) is placing a new neckerchief on a tiger cub scout. Andon also earned a recruiter patch for bringing his best bud Austin to scouts
These boys...These boys... 2 of them have been together since Tigers (1st grade-Devin &Evan BestBudsForever), 5 were Wolves and 7 (what I have this year) Bears. Thinking back to when Devin was a Tiger...Weblos seemed so far away, those boys were so much older...Well I now have a Weblos. It is a happy/sad day. I am so happy for all that Devin and my cub scouts have accomplished over the past 3 years, the growth they made emotionally and physically. Sad because my "baby boy" is growing up too fast. I have such a wonderful group of boys AND parents..I am SO lucky! I got several Thank Yous from parents and a text from a parent that made me teary-eyed. These boys have a special bond- I will not lie-our den meetings are crazy (for me, the boys have a blast) they giggle, run around, joke with each other-it's a place where Devin feels comfortable and can be himself(to me this is Priceless-he does not have that same feeling at school. He is shy and has anxiety). For the boys, scouts is a fun place to learn about themselves, fitness, citizenship, community service, family and spiritual growth-plus more. Scouts is a place where the boys share who they are with me and the other scout...I would not trade that for anything...even when I am trying to talk and they just want to share about their experiences as a 9 year of boy-if you had or have a nine year old boy, you know what I mean :)
On a different note...I made this count down to summer chain. Kids love it and between the three of them, a link comes off everyday without me even noticing( I even used school colors ;). As of today we have 6 1/2 more days. The boys are doing scout day camp Monday-Wednesday the first week they are off. Not much else planned for the rest of the summer. Although that does not mean anything-we seem to always have our weekends filled up with unplanned activities and visitors!
My preschoolers graduated yesterday-same day as the scouts and Kendall graduates next Friday from kinder. Then all 3 are playing base ball this summer :) My craziness never ends-welcome to parenthood!