Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Remembering Grandma Clara

Leikam Family:March 13, 2010

The three Knoll siblings: Nettie, Andy and Armilla

Grandpa Eddie's grandchildren and great grandchildren

Support and comfort from grandpa's Leikam family

Same boots.

Back row:Sharon, Me, Karianne, Kaylynn, Gary, Dave
Bottom row: Cindy, Grandpa, Krista

Leikam sisters. This is our second gathering in Hays together. We had a quick trip the weekend before the funneral. We stopped in to visit grandma and grandpa, just the three of us, like the old times. The kids stopped in with g-pa Dave while we were there for a little bit.

Clara's sister Armilla, her daughter Vicki and husband Paul drove from Denver. Armila and Clara were very close to each other growing up. Here mom and Armilla are looking at old pictures of Clara and here family.

March 16th still in Hays:

Last week the weather had a few warm days. The kids went to the park with grandma Shirley and their cousins. The pics were taken one week from yesterday. We were in KS for grandma Clara's funneral. Although the weather was cooler most of our visit, it did warm up and was nothing compared to a week later in Colorado...(See next blog)
The kids and I spent the night with Shirley and I left in the morning to visit grandpa at the hospital, spend time with my mom and Lauren, and then I met the kids at the park.

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