Tuesday, November 19, 2013


September Mid month, Northern Colorado suffered from massive
AUGUST-My parents came out and it happended to be the weekend of our anniversary(13 years). We went to eat at Jaxs fish house-Yum!! We got a sitter for the evening, it is a treat for my kids since we rarely go out without them.
Andon's Jr Eagles hockey league had a 5K so we went as a family. Deon and I ran the race while the kids hung out at the park. I ran the entire 5K(yea!). I am not a fast runner, Deon on the other hand...he's a different story.LOL
After the kids went to KS, the following weekend my in-laws came out. We went to Cheyanne and looked around at the Botinic Gardens and had lunch there.
School started, Dance started, Flag football started  Hockey started, Cub scouts started(last year as a leader), girl scouts started(I am the Brownie leader since Jessica moved), sunday school started.  After Flag football, Devin started wrestling.
Flooding.  Let's just say two weeks prior to the Floods, the kids school was closed for a HEAT day.
September 16, school was closed AGAIN for Flood Danger.  Deon went into work but got sent home around 8:30 because bridges in Fort Collins were week and breaking due to the rain.
So what do my kids do with the rain day off??
They made Lego boats.

 Tino found a new bed while K was in school.
 Last picture of my Dixie dog, she had a bad day in which she could not walk up the stairs plus a lump on her belly, I took her into the vet and she had breast cancer-quit eating and drinking all together for a week(nothing-no salmon,  ribs, canned dog food, rice). Worst day EVER for me, I cried, I even secetly prayed she would pass away so that I would not have to decide her death.
 BROTHER LOVE! Devin moved in the basement 2 years ago, but Dixie was his protector. She slept with him. Once Dixie was too sick to go downstairs, Andon told Devin he could move in with him.
They made a tent with blankets, clamps and their bed sides and played Lego games by the light of the lantern.
 Kendall started dance class, we wanted to do gymnastics, but dance is offered in town and costs less! Plus it is hard to have 3 kids doing activities all on Saturdays with only 2 parents..lol
1st performance was Thriller on Halloween eve.
I was feeling a little bit sad Halloween eve: 1st off ~I am not liking the idea of turning 40 in 3 years-YIKES! So to add to that, Andon went out trick-or-treating with a friend and his mom/sisters & friends, than Devin went with a friend and his family...it was just Kendall and I going around the neighborhood while Deon handed out candy.  We kinda had a "date" when we went to Kendall's dance!

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