Friday, May 7, 2010

Interview about mom- Andon age 6

1. What is something mom always says to you?

I love you

2.What makes mom happy?

when i do my chores

3. What makes mom sad?

when I get hurt

4.How does mom make you laugh?

i don't know

5. What was mom like as a child?


6.How old is mom?


7. How tall is mom?

i will say your tiny...just kidding

8.What is her favorite thing to do?

doing stuff on the computer

9.What is mom really good at?

making food

10. What is mom not so good at?

your not good at fixin stuff

11. What is mom's favorite food?


12. What does mom do for a job?

work at the gym

13.What makes you proud of mom?

i totally do not know

14.If mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? not Cinderella, i hate her

15. What do you and mom do together?

get Lego headlights

16. how are you and mom the same?

we both do chores, but i don't do that much

17. How are you and mom different?

i am a kid and you are a grown-up

18 What does mom like most about dad?

how dad swims

19. How do you know mom loves you?

you say um you love me

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