Friday, May 7, 2010

Interview about mom- Kendall age 3 3/4

1.What is something mom always says to you?

um..I love you!

2.What makes mom happy?

stop whining

3. What makes mom sad?


4.How does mom make you laugh?

eating vitamins

5. what was mom like as a child?


6.How tall is mom?

this big(raises hand over head)

7 what is her favorite thing to do?

get me vitamins

8 how old is mom?

23 ...are you 23...33...33...33.I was just trying to guess

9What is mom really good at?


10. What is mom not so good at?


11What does mom do for a job?

sweep and mop, even i sweep

12 What is her favorite food?


13 If mom was a cartoon character, who would she be?

snow white

14What do you and mom like to do together?


15 How are you and mom the same?


16 How are you and mom different?

by going somewhere

17 How do you know mom loves you?

um cause you say I love you

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