Monday, July 2, 2012

Father's day 2012

Devin says:
1. What is something dad always says to you?
2. What makes dad happy?
3. What makes sad?
when I don't listen
4. How does dad make you laugh?
make jokes
5. What was dad like as a child?
6. How tall is dad?
7. What is his favorite thing to do?
work on bikes
8. How old is dad?
9. What is dad really good at?
riding the green machine(old vintage bike he fixed up)
10. What is dad not so good at?
Ultimate Wheel
{just a wheel Deon made and added 2 pedals-no seat- all leg work and balance}

11. What does dad do for a job?
work on metal stuff
12.What is his favorite food?
13. If dad was a cartoon character, who would he be?
Captain America because he is strong like him
14. What do you and dad like to do together?
read together
15. How are you and dad alike?
our eyes
16.How are you and did different?
he has black hair
17. How do you know dad loves you?
he says it
18.What is something dad loves about mom?

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